This is new territory for me because I have never written a blog before. Maybe you’re in new territory too because this may be the first time you have thought about seeking counselling?
I’m not entirely sure how I’ll use this blog. Maybe you’re not sure about how you could make use of counselling?
I thought I would have a look at other people’s blogs. There are some very sophisticated looking blogs out there. I could start to think…
- my blog is not as fancy as everyone else’s;
- maybe I should have thought it through better (and maybe I should have!);
- I don’t think I can upload pictures or images. Mind you it hadn’t crossed my mind that I’d want to…..not before I started looking at other people’s blogs (definitely should have thought it through better);
- maybe I shouldn’t use my blog and redevelop it into the most perfect blog anyone has ever seen (not that I know what that would be);
- I’m starting to lose my confidence about this whole blog issue. Why did I ever think that anyone would be interested in it anyway? (People will laugh at me).
I wonder if you have ever started to do something and been full of enthusiasm only to find that you have let some doubts creep in and talked yourself into abandoning what you are doing? Lots of people seek counselling because they find that they are repeating patterns of behaviour that they wish they could change but don’t know how to do this. The aim of counselling is to help people to explore what is troubling them and this often helps people to make changes in their lives.
So doing something new or changing our behaviour involves a risk. Will I be judged? How do I feel about being judged? Does everyone have to like me or what I do? Some people think that counselling is risky because it means trying something new. So I’ve take my first step by writing this. When are you going to take yours?
Please email me if you have any questions about this blog or any ideas for a future blog, for example would you like to see some discussion about counselling and/or Leamington Spa?
Copyright Christine Bonsmann. All rights reserved.
added at 12:02am on 1st February 2010
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