We all go through phases when we lack motivation and just can’t seem to get started on the things we want or need to do. That’s normal. Maybe you’re feeling tired or a bit overwhelmed by the big list of jobs to do. Maybe you don’t want to ask for help. Asking for help is something that many people find hard and consider to be a sign of weakness. It’s actually a sign of strength. To be able to recognise that you need other people is a positive thing. If your motivation seems to have disappeared maybe you could take a small step and just do one thing right now that you have been putting off. If you are a high achiever then losing your motivation can seem particularly harsh. Now is the time to be kind to you. Take good care of yourself and accept that this will pass.
If, however, your loss of motivation does not pass after a few weeks and you are experiencing other symptoms like feeling tired, feeling down or not eating or sleeping well, then it could be helpful to talk things through with someone and maybe try some counselling to try and find out if they are any underlying issues which may be contributing to your current difficulties.
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