by Counsellor, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire
Many clients come to see me because they feel anxious. Sometimes they are able to say why this is. Maybe they have exams coming up or are moving house. Other clients have no idea why they are anxious and they will say things like:
I have always been like this.
My parents were anxious too. It must run in the family.
I just need to be in control and if I’m not then I feel anxious.
I don’t know why I am anxious but it is ruining my life.
I feel scared about what other people might be thinking of me.
I keep thinking something bad will happen.
There are a number of physical signs of anxiety including:
Heart racing
Feeling sweaty
Stomach problems
When we feel anxious we may avoid doing things that we had previously enjoyed, for example, we may stop socialising. Others may feel uncomfortable going to the supermarket or to see their GP. This can create a vicious circle which can be difficult to break.
How can counselling help?
It may be helpful to talk to a counsellor about what is worrying you. This may help you to decide on some changes you could make in your life which may reduce your levels of anxiety. Counselling may help you to learn about the triggers to your anxiety and to develop some coping strategies to manage your anxiety symptoms.
What else can help?
There are many excellent books to help people suffering from anxiety. Please contact me by email if you would like further information –
Copyright Christine Bonsmann. All rights reserved.
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