Have you ever felt that the world is well and truly against you? That no matter what you do you seem to mess up or get things wrong or that you ruin your relationships. Do you beat yourself up about all the times you weren’t perfect? It’s so easy to disregard all the great stuff you do in life if you suffer from underlying low confidence or low self-esteem. Guess what. Most of us have days when we feel like this. I know I do. And I know lots of other people who feel like this sometimes too. The problem is if you feel like this all the time. It’s really important to get a perspective and talking things over can help you to decide on the things that you would like to change in your life. The things which stop you feeling like the world is against you.
In my work as a Counsellor I never fail to be surprised at the extent to which people make assumptions. It is probably one of the most unhelpful and toxic things we can do to ourselves. Imagine if you stopped making assumptions. You could let go of continually worrying what others thought of you. You could learn to trust your own judgment. You could stop beating yourself up about the things which didn’t go well. And you could stop thinking that everyone else has got life figured out and knows all the answers. The only thing I can know is what I think and feel. If I want to know about anyone else then I’d have to ask them. Try it. You might be surprised.
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