by Counsellor, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire
The link between stress and physical symptoms is well established. The following are common signs of stress:
stomach problems;
tingling feelings in the body.
The following comments are typical of those experiencing feelings of stress:
I feel like I’m going to snap.
I can’t say ‘no’.
It feels like I’m responsible for everything.
I can’t cope. I can’t sleep. I’m drinking/eating too much.
I want to get in my car and keep driving.
Stress can lead to distress and a range of emotions such as feeling irritable or tense. Stress can also result in long term impacts on health such as depression, heart disease and sleeping difficulties. I hope that this information has been helpful. Counselling may help you to learn to manage stress and to explore what is causing stress.
Copyright Christine Bonsmann. All rights reserved.
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