It seems that couples are everywhere
The shops are full of cards and the florists and confectioners are busy. It’s that time of year already and couples are celebrating their love for each other. It can feel quite lonely without a partner on Valentine’s day. Nobody special to be with. It’s easy to look at others and imagine that their lives are on track because they appear to have the special partner.
For those who have lost a partner my thoughts are with you. Anniversaries and special days can feel particularly sad. My hope is that you are able to remember some happy memories to draw comfort from.
For those who have recently broken up with a partner I hope that you find a way to come to terms with being single again. If it wasn’t your decision to end the relationship then this may be difficult and you may be blaming yourself. Why not put yourself and your needs first on Valentine’s day and spoil yourself.
Finally, when you look around at other couples it is easy to make assumptions about how their lives are. Remember we never really know about how things are for them.
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