I am struck by how often I am asked to ‘fix’ someone or change how they think or behave or feel. That is not what a Counsellor or CBT therapist does. It’s as though I am expected to have a magic wand that I can wave to make any distress disappear. Even if such a thing existed, what would anyone learn if someone else does all the work?
Engagement in therapy requires commitment and taking responsibility for change and being open to the possibility that it is possible to change. It also requires finding the right Counsellor or CBT therapist who is qualified and experienced and who makes it easy for you to check that out so that you can understand what to expect. For example, there is a significant difference a counsellor who applies some CBT techniques and a qualified CBT therapist who collaboratively develops a formulation and plan for therapy.
As an accredited Counsellor with the BACP and an accredited CBT Therapist with the BABCP, I am able to work creatively and effectively with clients experiencing low mood, relationship problems and a range of anxiety problems. Based in Leamington Spa, I cover the Warwickshire area and also work online. If you are not looking for a magic wand, please get in touch if you need some help.