If you suffer from anxiety, it can be hard to believe that some people rarely worry. When faced with an uncertain or new situation, the automatic thoughts for people who don’t worry are along the lines of ‘what if something wonderful happens’ or ‘I can’t wait to see what happens’. People who don’t worry are often excited about novelty.
Do you find yourself thinking that you wish you thought like that and that every ‘what if’ you have seems to be about something terrible happening. Worry creates anxiety and is very exhausting. It can ruin our days, our ability to be fully present and then it can ruin our sleep and keep us wake at night.
I have worked with many clients who worry and find their days full of dread. It is so rewarding to help clients to realise that life does not have to be like this and to discover that there are other ways of showing up in the world. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) has a significant evidence base for anxiety presentations. If you think that it’s time to find a way to stop excessive worrying, please get in touch.
Image: Photo by Teodor Drobota on Unsplash